Worship is more than a spiritual act of singing a song, or clapping your hands in church, or even listening to a good talk by the pastor. Worship is also worshiping in "TRUTH"...walking out a life marked by the imprint of Jesus Christ himself. We worship not a wooden statue, or a dead guy from ancient middle eastern times, but a living, risen PERSON, the SON OF GOD, the SECOND PERSON OF THE TRINITY, JESUS CHRIST. We worship "WHO HE IS", the very nature of God, His majesty, His wonder, the goodness of Him who sits on the throne at the right hand of God the Father. All of this takes on our response to live as Jesus lived. To love, to give, to sacrifice ourselves for our family, our church family, our friends, and our neighbors. My definition of character as I see it is, "living out all that you are from the inside out, walking out not only what you speak with your lips, but who Jesus says you are". To me that is character. Character is choosing to be like Christ, when you fail, admitting your failure, learning, and moving on to show others how God is working in you. Character is not necessarily always having the right answer, telling others "how to live", or always doing the right thing so that others will think you have character. Character is living Christ, speaking Christ, and not responding to your critics with anger, hatred, or foul words....but responding with love in action, letting God be your defender, and letting truth reign in your heart and in your actions.
Why do I say all this in the context of worship?
I see in the world right now more than any time in my lifetime, a search for TRUTH. People looking for answers to so many complex situations. People may not always admit it, but they want to follow people of character. Not people who necessarily "do everything correctly", but people who live a life of good character. Being a Christ Follower does not end with good character, it begins with good character. As we try live life bringing glory to God in all we do, as we live by the GOLDEN RULE treating others as you want to be treated, loving people and not what you can get from them...you begin to see character, you begin to see worship of Jesus lived out in GOOD CHARACTER. This is what I believe Jesus wants from us...our worship, both in spiritual acts of corporate praise & worship, but equally as important, a life of worship in the daily things of life, and a character He can use to bring glory to His name. I pray I can live a life of worship by displaying good character, and allowing God to use that character to bring glory to Him alone. Start today, evaluate the way you are walking this life, am I a person of good character? Or am I just a character? :)
I trust you will see in yourself as I do in myself, that God has given us so much to build upon if we will choose to live the life He has prepared for us, use His word as the confirmation of who we are in Christ, and what we have the capability to do as Christ Followers, and finally making the hard decisions to live for Him above all of our heart might try to convince us to live for. Character matters, live the character of Christ! Onward & Upward :)
A thoughtful and beautiful definition of "character"! I agree wholeheartedly- we don't need to be perfect, we only need to be ourselves, stripped of all ego and filled with Christ's love.
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